Aug 06, 18 · I have to say theHunter COTW is a great game, I have put in many hours playing with my best friend and my brother But there is something that interests us, hunting dinosaurs I know there are many games with dinosaur hunting Even EW's own theHunter Primal But let's face it, Primal was garbage But COTW is great and I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to add a dinosaurThe Teradactyl is the advanced version of the Pterodactyl It is a dark blue color with a yellowwhite stomach It has increased health and attack than the Pterodactyl Like the Pterodactyl, it will fly around when not seen and can dodge cannon shots (also known as rocket launchers) Dive Teradactyls will slowly move upwards whilst circling the player When high enough, it will stop forIndominus Rex is the first boss in the story mode in Set Out on Your Journey,He will summon in the cave when you see the cave don't approach the boss it will kill you in seconds Indominus Rex colours is Bluish with...